Sophie continues to do well in 7th grade. Progress reports show that she is on her way to achieving straight A's, which makes me very proud.
She decided against joining the cross country track team this year, as she preferes to do shorter distances. So she'll do track in the spring.
Bat Mitzvah classes have begun! Her Bat Mitzvah is August 10, 2013 - so excited! For having attended services regularly with us, she knows all the prayers for the service so she's got an advantage over the other students. The cantor told me this past Friday night that we have a superstar! :)
October 15th was Sophie & Linda's 7th "Metcha Day" anniversary.
Linda's business is picking up. She has taken a number of 'part-time' photography assignments that keep her busy during the week and traveling all around the state of Connecticut! She's expanded her services to include product photography and has been working with a local magazine. She's enjoying learning new things and meeting new clients. She has a Bar Mitzvah at the end of the month and one at the beginning of November.
Yesterday she had an all day shoot at 2 malls about an hour away from our home, so I went along as her 'shlepper'. It turned out to be a 7 hour shoot - not hard work, but time consuming and a lot of logistics. Ever the professional, my wife didn't collapse until we were heading home!
And then she shot a 5 hour event that we were attending that evening! We fell into bed and she didn't get up til 11! I got up about 8:30, and went back to bed about 9:30... we were tired puppies!
Our annual pumpkin picking tradition continued this afternoon. Sophie & her twin friends Alison & Rachel picked out some pumpkins to carve. There was a sign at the register that if you guess the weight of your pumpkin withn 1.5 lbs, you get it for free, so Linda took it and after careful consideration, announced 22 lbs - - and lo and behold, it was 22.6lbs!!! FREE pumpkin! One of the twins guessed her pumkins' weight, aslso, so we walked away with 2 free pumkins! Great economical day for pumkin shopping.
Linda made pumpkin seeds after we gutted the carved... all in all, a very nice day and weekend! Here's right after we paid... Alison, Sophie, Linda & Rachel.
And the masterpieces...
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