2013 will go down in my personal history as a memorable one.
On the positive memory side, Sophie is becoming a lovely young woman, blossoming into a young adult who is confident and able to express her talents in a variety of ways.
She has maintained honor roll status thru the past 2 years in Middle School (6th & 7th grades), only getting 2 B+'s and the rest A's . She takes her school work responsibilities seriously and requires no nagging or checking to see if her homework is done.
The school system has implemented a wonderful tool that allows parents to be able to not only check grades daily, but to see what the daily assignments are. This tool is also accessible for the kids, and all of their books are online, as well, so really, there is no excuse for missing any homework or not knowing what the homework is.
This past school year had her starting her formal training for her upcoming Bat Mitzvah and she has excelled with this, as well. Though she has sometimes moaned and groaned about going to 'religious school', and attending services on a pretty regular schedule, she actually admitted that she was glad for all of that, as it made it pretty easy to learn what she needed to for her Bat Mitzvah. She watched as her friends who were not so regular attendees of services struggled.
The first time she did her lesson with our Cantor on the bima, I have to admit, I got a bit 'ferklempt' and my eyes got a bit moist. As I looked at her, I remembered the first time I saw in person that beautiful face with the big eyes and could not help but feel a sense of loss for that little baby, but a sense of pride for who she has become.
I snuck a shot of her up there....
She continues to study/practice through the summer.
Sophie is attending a Fashion & Design day camp for the month of July - each week focusing on different things (i.e. dresses, shoes, jeans, the color pink & bathing suits) - designing and making these items! She is loving it and making friends from the neighboring towns and being somewhere in air conditioning, which has been a HUGE bonus, as it's been in the 90's for the past 2 weeks!
On the not so positive side, Linda & I made the mutual and amicable decision in mid-May to dissolve our marriage. Though we had been together for 9 years (married for the last 3), there seemed to be issues that we could not resolve. We remain on civil terms and she wants to maintain the role of step-parent to Sophie.
It has been a transition, to say the least. She moved out of the condo at the end of June and is living with a mutual friend of ours who has an extra bedroom to let her use, as well as a basement to store her stuff. Paperwork was filed last week and should be finalized in November of this year.
It was very sad to have so much to celebrate with regards to marriage equality at a time of such personal loss, but it was still so great to see all that was passed by the Supreme Court.
Fortunately, I have great support around me between friends, family & co-workers, so I'm doing ok. Bat Mitvah planning offers a great distraction!
Looking forward to some of my family from Israel coming in for the Bat Mitzvah for a week and will post again soon, if not right after the big event (which is on August 10th!).
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